Wednesday, July 27, 2005



Blogger idi said...

Submitting Your Thought
How have your changed over time concerning how you feel or think about:


I herewith submit my thought

I have changed over time concerning how I feel and how I think about:


1) Love for me was a nice feeling that I would feel towards another person and that would end in mariage. - Now I believe that God must show you in your heart the partner: you must pray and then, when the priest tells it to the other person, this person has to pray. Then engagement, then mariage. The best would be, when feelings will develop within! mariage and not before and stop after.

2)Love for me was a nice feeling that I had towards myself and I ever wanted to bath in that feeling and to enjoy it as if I would have a partner.
That made me an addict of this false love and it took me eight years with coucelling and much self-discipline to overcome it.
Now I realise more and more what is ment by the r e a l love, Agape:
Not a good feeling but a good decision,
not a good wish but a good deed,
not a good thought but a refreshing/comforting/helping word
not a spontaneous correction but an honest prayer

8:18 PM  
Blogger The Voice said...

When I was younger, I would like to say my concept of love was simpler - I am not so sure anymore. I do think that how I experienced love was to somehow receive it more freely that I gave it. As I have grown older and a few crises - t which were devastating - have taken their toll on my ego, I have come to see love as something more altruistic these days.

Don't get me wrong, I believe it is important to feel loved but not as important as it is to give it - freely and without reservation. I never hold back when it comes to expressing my love for people whether they are strangers or not. I suppose what has truly changed me is the reality that life is short and I have no time to tarry. My existence, while raised as a Roman Catholic and as a Latino (I call myself a Chicano which causes a tremendous amount of discomfort for one person in particular - but that's an entirely different subject; I have learned that accepting people as they define themselves and not according to our own limited constructs is painfully difficult for some) – we are rather reserved in expressing love unless it is a topic of conversation in church and about Jesus. I have made some radical changes in the way I live these days – namely that I am more existential which, to me, means being present, in the moment; if I am angry I get mad and get over it. This has helped me immensely in that I spend the lion share of my time happy and able to express my emotions openly. Doing so has liberated me from worries over slights and hurts that really ought not to garner so much of anyone’s attention.

I am in love with life and I owe my appreciation to death because it knocked on my door for ten years. Amazing how sobering our own mortality can be! I haven’t time to stay angry or upset anymore than is absolutely necessary – there are some who might argue that there is no time at all for it and that I need to grow – I agree. This is where I am at however and I am happy – very happy. Crises come and go but love abides in my heart. I make no declarations as though this deeper appreciation for life makes me somehow more invincible. To the contrary, my vulnerability affords me the opportunity to lean on love - something that I am happy to do. It has made life so much easier for me. It has mead me a better person and it has made those around me happier as well. Thanks to those ten years, my children do not see love or expressions of love as signs of weakness.

For someone like me, and considering were I came from – that is a hell of an accomplishment. I owe it all to love.


Hope that made sense... :O)

11:04 AM  
Blogger iamnasra said...

My concept on love have changed so much.

Love is like tree it has many branches

Spritual love

Love of Parents

Love of siblings

Self Love

Love of man to his women/love o a women to his man

All this needs more depth talk in which I promise to write about soon

3:23 PM  
Blogger doshar said...

my concept of love has definitely changed. i don't understand the old concept yet. feeling very attached to someone and want to be with them all the time. they are your moon, sun and earth. i have felt that, yet now i don't understand what exactly was it.

i haven't experienced the new concept yet (the in love type i mean) but i would like it to be based on something more solid in what matters . i would like to love someone because i respect their ethics, personality, morals and also because he would be considerate, caring and able to communicate with me and appreciate me. is that too much?

don't know, but that was not the basis of my previous experience, and i don't know what the hell it was based on. just feel that love is too precious to squander in the wrong places

5:30 PM  
Blogger doshar said...


love of other people/things:

i have come to actually love or at least admire people or things more based on how good they are to other people. can't stand a mean person anymore. and i would like to love everything that God loves. i think that thing would be worth loving. also, the love of God is the only guaranteed love. if you do well, you are greatly rewarded, when you need Him , he is there for you, when you make a mistake, He forgives. when you pray, He listens, and even before we have been born, we were given so much. what other love can come close to this????

5:37 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

I haven't completely decided what I want to do with this new link, but topics will change from time to time. I do know I'm more intested here in letting people share their individual experiences with each other - not having this be a conversation that I'm kind of directing, like on the blog.

10:21 AM  
Blogger stella said...

My thoughts on love have changed so much I don't even recongize this new concept. I used to think love meant all-encompassing, eyes-locked-across-the-room, undeniable force, and the familiar recognition of a person. And it is still, but now, because I've had it, and he was everything I expected and dreamed of, someone who felt like my spiritual mate, I realise Love is more. He opened the way to finding an inner sense of Love, and should the Graces smile upon me again, I'd like to someday find someone who is also on a similar path to build a lifetime together based on real, long-lasting love that survives time and hardships. Somethning that is mundane, yet exalted in it's simplicity.

Love is taking the same path with another one step at a time, no matter how slow or fast or how long or short, if the intent is to share a part of your life with another who teaches you about yourself and it is reciprocated, then the beauty of Love still exists. It doesn't have to be hearts and flowers and rose-colored glasses anymore for me. Just something simple between two people for a long long time, based on a shared committment and a desire to be of assistance to one another, and to really care for one another, to me that is Love.

I am 29, almost...

8:17 PM  
Blogger Uaridi said...

I have changed, and will continue to change.

Nowadays I see love for people as accepting of them despite themselves. I try not to judge them, or to change them but to accept them. Because I wish to be loved as I am, I too must love them as they are.

Love is no longer that teenage walking on the air feeling - it is opening myself up to everyone and embracing them close to me despite the pain or rejection.

My reward is loving people. I try not to love for gain - friendship, being loved back in return etc. But because "the greatest gift is the gift of love" and because Jesus loved us first.

(clear as mud?)

10:16 AM  
Blogger shyloh's poetry said...

Love means many things to different people.

To me Unconditional. Regardless, love, love and just love.

What does it truly mean? I cannot love in the flesh. Only the Spirit can do that. So I allow it to just flow.


11:55 AM  

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